All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, to such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.
Psalm 25:10
Recommended Reading: Romans 8:28-29
You will no doubt experience something this year that will make you wonder, “Why?” It could be painful or disruptive, or it could be just an unexpected circumstance. In any case, unplanned events always make us wonder why God has allowed them.
The psalmist David said something about God’s ways that require a second look. He said that God’s plans are mercy and truth to those who are faithful to Him—those who keep His commandments. We would assume that God’s ways are mercy and truth to everyone, not just to those who follow Him. But there is a difference between how people view God’s ways. Those who trust in Him find mercy and truth in what God allows; those who don’t trust in Him are more likely to find randomness and arbitrariness in God’s ways.
Those who walk in obedience to God can affirm Romans 8:28: God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him. Even when we don’t see mercy and truth immediately, in time we will. Prepare your heart now to trust God with what this year holds.
Obedience to God’s will is the secret of spiritual knowledge and insight.
Eric Liddell