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Psalm 25 for 2025: Eyes on the Lord

January 25, 2025 | David Jeremiah

My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the net.
Psalm 25:15

Interestingly, the psalmist says that instead of keeping his eyes on the ground to avoid a net in which he might be snared by his enemy, he will keep his eyes on the Lord—who will “deliver [him] from the snare of the fowler” (Psalm 91:3). The idea is not that we don’t have to be careful, wary, or wise in life. Rather, that our first line of defense and protection in life is God. As servants looked to their masters and maids to their mistress for provision, “so our eyes look to the Lord our God” (Psalm 123:2).

Begin and end your day by affirming that your eyes are on the Lord that He is your shield and protector.

A God wise enough to create me and the world I live in is wise enough to watch out for me.
Philip Yancey
