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A Fascinating Few

May 4, 2024 | David Jeremiah

Acts 10:1-8 

Acts 10 tells the story of Cornelius, a Roman soldier, who nonetheless was a “devout man...who feared God.” He gave generously to those in need and “prayed to God” faithfully (verses 1-2). God took note of Cornelius’ heart and graciously brought the Gospel of Christ to him.

A similar situation occurred in the Old Testament with a Syrian military commander who seems to have been used by God to defeat one of Israel’s enemies. But he had leprosy. God arranged for this man, Naaman, to learn about the prophet Elisha through whom he might be healed. So Naaman traveled from Syria to Samaria to meet Elisha and was indeed healed, causing him to give praise to Elisha’s God. The grace of God is extended to many in situations that might surprise us.

Our ministry to a non-believer might be an open door for God to extend saving grace to them—just as God extended grace to us.

Every day we are objects of the grace of God.
Donald Grey Barnhouse
